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Thermomix Reindeer Bark

Ingredients▢300 g dark chocolate▢100 g red M&Ms▢50 g pretzels▢edible eyes▢edible gold glitter/sprinkles ...

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Thermomix Chocolate Cheesecake Recipe

Who doesn’t love a decadent slice of chocolate cheesecake? With the aid of the Thermomix, this dessert becomes even more accessible to recreate in y ...

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Neapolitan Sauce Recipe With Thermomix

Do you ever find yourself craving that authentic Italian flavor but think it's too complicated or time-consuming to make at home? Well, today we're go ...

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Ice Cream Of Lemon With Evaporated Milk With Thermomix

nThe lemon ice cream with evaporated milk is a delicious and easy recipe to make, perfect for citrus flavor lovers. This dessert is very popular for i ...

Derniers Articles Mons - mes: 2023-02

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5-Minute Raspberry Purée (For Cakes, Cheesecakes, Ice Cream

If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to add a pop of color, flavor and elegance to a dessert, this simple raspberry purée rec ...

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Thank You for entering the Le Creuset Stoneware French Press

Thank you for entering the giveaway! Come back tomorrow and enter again! Scroll below to find the bonus entries! -Jaden The post Thank You for ente ...

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Thank You for entering theNesco Deluxe Food VS-12 Vacuum Sea

Thank you for entering the giveaway! Come back tomorrow and enter again! Scroll below to find the bonus entries! -Jaden     The post Thank ...

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Thank You for entering the Nutribullet Pro High Speed Blende

Thank you for entering the giveaway! Come back tomorrow and enter again! Scroll below to find the bonus entries! -Jaden   The post Thank You fo ...

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English Muffin Bread Recipe

English Muffin Bread is the perfect loaf for toasting?loaded with nooks and crannies to hold all that jelly, jam, and melted butter you love. This nev ...

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Vinegar Slaw

Shredded cabbage and thinly sliced sweet onions combine with a tangy dressing to create this easy Vinegar Slaw. Adding a quick and easy slaw i ...

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Rich and Creamy Tahini Hot Chocolate.

Rich and Creamy Tahini Hot Chocolate. Perfectly sweet and best enjoyed with a large helping of whipped cream and chocolate shavings...DELISH! READ: Ri ...

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French Bread Pizza?Quick and Easy

Delicious easy French Bread Pizza is perfect for that quick evening meal or a party. Full of your favorite toppings, browned melted cheese, and crispy ...

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30-Minute Chicken Fried Cube Steak with Gravy

Chicken Fried Cube Steak is a classic southern comfort food you can make at home in only 30 minutes. Think of that crispy golden brown breading smothe ...

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Top Quality Kikuichi Kitchen Knife Giveaway (Worldwide)(CLOS

Win one of the finest, best performing Kikuichi knives that will complement your kitchen today! You will be impressive by the quality and how the kni ...

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Flourless Brownies

The post Flourless Brownies appeared first on Get Inspired Everyday!. ...

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Crunchy Baked Hot Honey Cauliflower.

Crunchy Baked Hot Honey Cauliflower. The perfect game-day appetizer, but equally great when served over rice as a meal! READ: Crunchy Baked Hot Honey ...

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TREBLAB Premium Bluetooth Speaker Giveaway

Happy Monday Steamy! Today, We are giving away this TREBLAB Premium Bluetooth Speaker!  This compact bluetooth speaker provide rich, vibrant soun ...

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Allisable Red Light Therapy Light Giveaway

Happy Monday Steamy! We are excited to give away an Allisable Red Light Therapy Light!  This wonderful therapy infrared light helps promote ...

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Love Is In The Air Photo Contest

We have a new Memory Game theme launching soon and we would love to feature one of your photos!  The original memory games featured some of Steam ...

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Chocolate and Strawberry Scones

These chocolate and strawberry scones are an easy-to-make, tender, and sweet addition to your breakfast, brunch or coffee/tea time break. Jump to R ...

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Homemade Dog Treats?Healthy & Low-Fat

Homemade dog treats are both low-calorie and low-fat. With only five ingredients, your dog will love the peanut butter and pumpkin taste. Much healthi ...

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Couscous Skillet with Tomatoes, Chickpeas, and Feta

Okay, well, that’s our sign. It’s time to go home for the day and tuck into this. This chickpea and couscous skillet is the exact ...

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Fusilli con salsa de berenjenas

Pues eso... como en el cole nunca le ponen pasta a los peques, hemos instaurado la costumbre de comer pasta los sábados... pero claro, sempre de la m ...

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Arroz in tegral con surimi y almejas

Pues esta receta es otra de esas que te salen cuando juntas las cosas que se te van quedando en la nevera.... y que hay que aprovechar!!! Unos palitos ...

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Tapitas de tortilla rellena en cupcakes

Hoy teníamos ganas de unas tapitas en casa... y claro, algo sencillito ...que no complique mucho que el tiempo es para disfrutarlo.... por eso le hic ...

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Pescada en salsa verde con patatas al horno

Sabéis lo que me gusta el ajo jejejeje (MENOS MAL  QUE NO HE QUEDADO CON NADIE ajajajaja).Esta salsa em encanta, especialmente con pescado blanc ...

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Hamburguesas con queso en pan de semillas

Hacemos hamburguesitas caseras" Me encantan.... porque me encanta ponerles un poquito de ajo para darles sabor.... me gusta hacerlas mas bien peq ...

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Rositas de salmón y queso de cabra

Un aperitivo simple, rápido y fácil" Pues este... y queda muy aparente aparte de buenísimo...Fíjate... a mi hija le encanta (bueno le encanta ...

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Pepito de lomo

Que rico... como me gustan los pepitos jejejejeje y me recuerdan a la formación de mi primera fábrica, cuando a la hora de comer, nos íbamos todos ...

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Menú de supervivencia nº 31: No tengo ni idea qué comerem

Estas en el trabajo... todavia no se te há ocurrido qué hacer para la comida de mañana... te muerdes las uñas... aysss esa inspiración donde se m ...

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Menú de supervivencia nº 32: Sirve tanto para comida como

Pues vamos por otro...que frio por Dios!!!Hoy te voy a dejar un menú que creo que es bastante apropriado tanto para comidas como para cenas...seguro ...

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Portaje de garbanzos con arroz y morcilla

Ya tenemos frío.... y cuando el frío aprieta, que mejor que un buen potaje para entrar en calor ... a que sí" Si ya lo decían nuestras abuela ...

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Menú de supervivencia nº 33: Bajo en calorias para contrar

 Pues si... en estas navidades nos hemos pasado eh""" Corderito.. turrón, una copita por aqui y por alli... y mas turrón, y mant ...

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Una tarta de Spiderman

Hola!!!Os gusta esta tarta""Pásate por AQUI, que te explico como se hace...Puede seguirme en: Facebook: ...

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Menú de supervivencia nº 34: Sólo tienes 5 min!! Preparad

En esta ajetreada vida que llevamos, tenemos que hacer de todo... incluso cocinar rico y sano para nuestra familia verdade"Pero s no nos da tiemp ...

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Menú de supervivencia nº 35: Hoy comemos con fundamento!

Hoy sabes que, es de esos días en que todos llegan a casa muertos de hambre y la comida que hagas tiene que ser "de las buenas", que sino s ...

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Patatas a la Suiza (Y como asar patatas en el microondas)

 Pues andaba yo de blog en blog para hacer una de mis recopilaciones para menú, cuando, estando falta de ideas para la cena (sí... a mí tambi� ...

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Menú de supervivencia nº 36: Verduritas ... Y de postre...

Hola queridos amigos...Hoy he elegido un par de platôs basados en verduras, para que de postre nos podamos comer el móvil... sisisi, el móvil jejej ...

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Qué como hoy" Ideas de menú nº1

Hola querid@s [email protected] que las ideas a veces se nos acaban... que hay dias que no tienes ganas de cocinar, que otros dias estas a 0 de ideas... y n ...

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Paninis de Jamón y paninis de salchichas

De vez en cuando nos gusta un caprichito verdad" Pues eso, el otro día nos dimos el nuestro para la cena... unos paninis hechos en casa... y enc ...

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Menu de supervivencia nº 37: Unas tapitas, merluza y de pos

Buenas tardes a [email protected]í os traigo otro menú... parece mentira, ya en número esperaba hacer tantos, sinceramente, cuando empecé este ...

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Paté de garbanzos

Pues estaba yo olisqueando revistas de recetas este fin de semana y me topé con esta receta que llamó mi atención. La encontré en la revista Cozin ...

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Qué como hoy" Idea de menú nº 2: Hacemos dieta"

Dieta: la palabra de inicios de año jejeje después del gran susto de haberse subido a la báscula el día 7 de enero, después de los Reyes jejejeje ...

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Menú de supervivencia nº 38: Vamos por una cena típica&qu

Pues vamos allá verdad"Estas tres recetas que te traigo, creo firmememnte que deben estar en el recetario de mas de la mitad de los españoles : ...

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Lomo de cerdo en bolsa

Hola!!!Hoy os voy a dejar una receta de esas taaaan fáciles, que nos resuelven la vida a mas de uno para una comida o cena... de verdad...A mi eso de ...

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Patatas rellenas

Hoy vamos por una de esas recetas que a los niños les gusta, y si tienes unas cuantas patatas grandecitas, te resuelven una cena o comida.... toma no ...

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Layered Peanut Butter Crunch Brownies

These decadent Peanut Butter Crunch Brownies come from my 100 Cookies cookbook, and I couldn’t resist baking them in the shape of a heart for Va ...

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Memphis BBQ Sauce?Sweet and Tangy

This Memphis BBQ Sauce recipe makes the best homemade sauce you will ever taste. Using only pantry staples, this smoky, sweet, and tangy sauce is easy ...

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Game Day Party Recipes

It's PARTY TIME. The big game is next week, time to make a plan and stock the fridge. Fire up that crock pot, oven, and grill?time to pig out. Special ...

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HBH Meal Plan: 2.5

HBH Meal Plan: 2.5 READ: HBH Meal Plan: 2.5 ...

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Baked Green Beans with Bacon

Baked green beans with bacon are the perfect side dish for almost any meal. This easy green bean recipe features a sweet and savory sauce with brown s ...

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Freezer Burnt Chicken Breasts Rescue - Shredded Mexican

Is it safe to eat freezer-burnt chicken" What caused it" What can you do with it" Let's answer those questions and rescue your chicken ...

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Tiktok Pancakes

Ice cube tray pancakes make breakfast a breeze! ...

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Fudgy Chocolate Peanut Butter Bars.

Fudgy Chocolate Peanut Butter Bars. Each magical bite is filled with sweet, fluffy, almost cake-like peanut bars plus extra fudgy glaze. Yum! READ: Fu ...

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$10 Sephora Gift Card Instant Win

Attention all makeup lovers! We are launching a chance to INSTANTLY WIN a gift card to Sephora!  Shop your favorite beauty and skin products wit ...

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Sesame Gouda Stuffed Naan with Honey.

Sesame Gouda Stuffed Naan with Honey. Serve alongside your favorite Indian dishes, with grilled meats, or simply enjoy it on its own! READ: Sesame Gou ...

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Chicken and Sausage Gumbo

This recipe for Chicken and Sausage Gumbo starts with a dark roux which gives it tons of amazing flavor. Plus, I’m showing you my tips and trick ...

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Chicken, Sausage, and Shrimp Gumbo

This recipe for Chicken, Sausage, and Shrimp Gumbo starts with a dark roux which gives the gumbo tons of amazing flavor. Plus, I’m showing you m ...

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20-Minute Creamy Chicken And Mushroom Pasta (NOT much cream!

Sometimes, when you’re in the mood for pasta, only creamy will do. But the great thing about this creamy chicken and mushroom pasta (with ...

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Crispy Cheesy Sweet Potato Skins.

Crispy Cheesy Sweet Potato Skins. Come together easily, delicious, great for a weeknight dinner, but perfect for the upcoming super bowl! READ: Crispy ...

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Thank You for entering the Allisable Red Light Therapy Light

Thank you for entering the giveaway! Come back tomorrow and enter again! Scroll below to find the bonus entries! Jaden     The post Thank Y ...

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Thank You for entering the TREBLAB Premium Bluetooth Speaker

Thank you for entering the giveaway! Come back tomorrow and enter again! Scroll below to find the bonus entries! Jaden     The post Thank Y ...

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Miso Caramel Soy Sauce Brownies

These deep, dark, fudge brownies have two secret ingredients that give them more dimension and depth – soy sauce and a miso caramel layer! Ju ...

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Luxury Health Retreat in the Italian Alps:

Luxury Health Retreat in the I ...

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Apple Cinnamon Muffins

Soft and tasty apple cinnamon muffins topped with a simple glaze are the perfect way to start your day or as a delicious snack. Ready in about 30 minu ...

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Chicken Broccoli and Rice Casserole

Cheesy chicken, broccoli, and rice casserole is made from scratch with no cans of soup needed and a fabulous buttery Parmesan topping. Easy enoug ...

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What is Pelvic Floor Therapy"

The other day I was speaking with a friend who has chronic constipation. When she asked me for advice I suggested pelvic floor therapy. Pelvic Flo ...